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Thursday, January 31, 2013
Much needed nap, but you'd think that after 4 years, I wouldn't have these dreams anymore.

Monday, January 28, 2013
This goes to show how important it is to have enough money saved up.

There's only a couple more years until my boy starts driving. So we've been watching out for cars.

We fell head over heels for this truck. It was in great shape. New engine. I can't believe they were selling it for only $5k!
But we were unable to get it. D was so upset, but I told him how this experience taught him to start saving his money better so he can get something he wants.

We may not have an opportunity to get a truck like this again but who knows. We will see.

Cute truck huh? :)

A lil tattoo I just free handed.

Monogram Painted Headboard

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
He hasn't had a headboard for sometime, and someone said they had one just sitting around.

It was white. Dirty. Scratched. Chewed on by an animal. Had holes in it.

So I puttied it, primed it, and painted it black. Found the old can on paint which I used on my sons walls several years ago and added his own personal monogram to the board with a couple extra touches.

He loved it. :)