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One of those weeks...

Thursday, October 7, 2010
It sure has been a roller coaster in the pain department of my heart these past few weeks...

...but I remind myself, who am I to deserve mercy if I don't have any to give? So I've had to change my thinking a little. I am thankful for the Everlasting One who has given me the strength to come up with thoughts that I could not accept as originally my own. For putting me in situations to learn, wether painful, excruciating, or in the simplest of ways... by obeying His command and going to a class when I did NOT want to go to!

I've learned, you can't fix people. As bad as I've always been this way... it is one of my best qualities,.. but in times like these, can be my worst. Sometimes, it's just not my place to fix. In trying to do so, I became the problem. I've just got to learn what is okay to fix and what's not okay to fix, in this thing we call life.

Expect me to not get everything right. Expect me to not be perfect. Expect me to fail you on occasion. Expect me to cry on your shoulders when I feel pain. Expect me have your back when someone does you wrong. Expect me to listen carefully over the years, and get some valid information mixed up. Expect that when you make me laugh with a mouth full of lemon-aid, that you probably will be soaked. Expect me to be there in all ways I can, but as well expect me to fail at times when I didn't recognize I needed to pull away. Expect me to always love you.