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Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I got an unexpected phone call today.

I was in between classes, just finished my lunch when a 940 number lit up my phone. I figured it was probably a new client. .."This is Julie".
"Hi Julie..." and before she even said her name, I knew who it was. "...this is Stacy. I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and say I miss you."

It was my sister. I haven't talked to her in a very long time. A long time, meaning, years. I paused on the phone from surprise. I didn't know exactly what to say. But of course I missed her too, so I told her just that. "I miss you too." The call was 47 seconds long. But she continued to text me after that. She sent pictures of herself and my niece.
She was pleasant in her texts and did not give me any signs that I should be wary.

Experiences I faced have been very harmful and have left deep wounds which led to our lack of communication for a very long time. We haven't had a simple healthy conversation in over 10 years.

Coming from a broken family, words became the culprit that divided us even more.

There was nothing else I could do but to lose touch. I know she knew in her heart that I would always be there for her if she needed me. She had to find find something deep inside she was looking for, and she had to do it alone.

I am altruistic but as well careful.

I could tell in her voice during those 47 seconds that she was crying. Though I did not get emotional, I knew it was healthy for her to feel the way she was. That the many tears I cried from previous conversations of pain, my thoughts were, is she really concerned for the reconciliation of our relationship. In hopes this is, I would be more than forever thankful to revitalize what we once had before distance became involved.

Anything is possible with an open, broken heart, and healthy spirit of humility.

Here's to turning 30.
