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Gun Range Date

Saturday, February 4, 2012
It's been a busy weekend! But a fab one. Today we got a lot of things taken care of plus went to a bday party. Dillon's coach from last year was at the bday party. After it ended he offered to take him for some guy time.
It just makes my heart happy to see some guys take that initiative.
Anyways, when they all left, I took myself on a date!
Stopped by the store to grab a couple boxes of ammo and earmuffs. Now I'm all set.
Gosh it felt so good. Did it all alone, and was jamming to my music at the same time.

The only downfall is guys trying to hit on you. And there were some good lookin ones. Just make an in and out in a second! Works great. No conversations. Me time. I had a blast! CHL for my birthday. Might as well.

25 yards