Someone prayed this over me yesterday and it really hit hard...
People may say things about you but they are feeling in their own insecurities. God is going to remove the cancer out of your life. It is going to hurt. Especially if you didn't deserve it in the first place. Surgery may seem to drain the life out of you, but when God completely pulls the cancer out and closes the wound, you will be all the much better. May God lift your life so high that those who have hurt you will see the light of God from you, and they begin their treatments. Do not be afraid of their wrath, of their judgement, of their actions or words. Do not run away out of fear that they may destroy you. Because in the end. They shall not prosper. You are not to be in this situation because their cancer is getting bad! And you can't be around that if they are not willing in accepting to have surgery of their own. Their cancer is multiplying! That's why they are not surviving! It is then that God will take all blindfolds off. You will be left with a scar. It will represent a medal in which the battle you came through. The accuser of brethren will test you, through people and yourself may do harm. But you will carry this medal with honor! To glorify God Almighty! That even in the darkest time, you shine as bright as the sun!
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Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall....
Posted by
8:14 AM
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
No one can really say "I know what you've been through" or "I understand", because you don't. Not even I.
No one truly understands what another feels like. Even if we have gone through the same thing, ex:Divorce,Betrayal,Etc. Maybe there are somethings you can relate to, but you can never fully understand.
All of our experiences are different, even if they seem the same. Let's say,... 2 people have gone through a painful divorce. Well, those 2 individuals experienced something totally different. One may experience hate and agression from fears and feelings they've had from the past. The other might experience shock, abandonment, and total lack of trust.
Other experiences as 2 people who as well might have had to do it all on their own growing up. With both fighting to live. But total different circumstances doing their part to be as an acceptional adult as one could be.
No one can say "I had it harder than you". Because no one knows, but that one person what it feels like to go through every emotion known to man, every second of one's life.
One thing you can say that could be common is... My response. How was my response to the matter. Did I use it for good, or did I use it for bad?
I have not always responded positively. And I still get it wrong. But one thing I can be proud of my Creator for giving me, is that I have the response built deep within myself of "not to give up". And unfortunately, it is too common in todays society to do just the opposite. Faith. ie: 7th dip?
A preachers wife told me not too long ago (not going into details)... but something about "blood". Hmm. God revealed this message to me this morning;
--I sense I spirit of separation. That thou, nor blood, is family? What is unconditional? What is this they speak of, Church Family? Does the not exist?
I'm not even 100% sure what this means yet, but I was influenced from my Father to jot this down.
So one thing I can encourage you of. No matter the circumstance. Set self aside. Allow God to do works through you. Not with just your hands. Allow him to work through every wave inside your head, every nerve. Allow every word you speak, be a song. When good things are done (ex:helping a child) don't take it as someone wants to take over. Take it as someone really loves someone who is a part of you. And yes I do love ALL individuals. ALL mankind!!! Even those who have hurt me. But I am IN love with only One. One that has done no harm to me but Good. -o
Love. It is what counts.
No one truly understands what another feels like. Even if we have gone through the same thing, ex:Divorce,Betrayal,Etc. Maybe there are somethings you can relate to, but you can never fully understand.
All of our experiences are different, even if they seem the same. Let's say,... 2 people have gone through a painful divorce. Well, those 2 individuals experienced something totally different. One may experience hate and agression from fears and feelings they've had from the past. The other might experience shock, abandonment, and total lack of trust.
Other experiences as 2 people who as well might have had to do it all on their own growing up. With both fighting to live. But total different circumstances doing their part to be as an acceptional adult as one could be.
No one can say "I had it harder than you". Because no one knows, but that one person what it feels like to go through every emotion known to man, every second of one's life.
One thing you can say that could be common is... My response. How was my response to the matter. Did I use it for good, or did I use it for bad?
I have not always responded positively. And I still get it wrong. But one thing I can be proud of my Creator for giving me, is that I have the response built deep within myself of "not to give up". And unfortunately, it is too common in todays society to do just the opposite. Faith. ie: 7th dip?
A preachers wife told me not too long ago (not going into details)... but something about "blood". Hmm. God revealed this message to me this morning;
--I sense I spirit of separation. That thou, nor blood, is family? What is unconditional? What is this they speak of, Church Family? Does the not exist?
I'm not even 100% sure what this means yet, but I was influenced from my Father to jot this down.
So one thing I can encourage you of. No matter the circumstance. Set self aside. Allow God to do works through you. Not with just your hands. Allow him to work through every wave inside your head, every nerve. Allow every word you speak, be a song. When good things are done (ex:helping a child) don't take it as someone wants to take over. Take it as someone really loves someone who is a part of you. And yes I do love ALL individuals. ALL mankind!!! Even those who have hurt me. But I am IN love with only One. One that has done no harm to me but Good. -o
Love. It is what counts.
One of those weeks...
Posted by
7:05 PM
Thursday, October 7, 2010
It sure has been a roller coaster in the pain department of my heart these past few weeks...
...but I remind myself, who am I to deserve mercy if I don't have any to give? So I've had to change my thinking a little. I am thankful for the Everlasting One who has given me the strength to come up with thoughts that I could not accept as originally my own. For putting me in situations to learn, wether painful, excruciating, or in the simplest of ways... by obeying His command and going to a class when I did NOT want to go to!
I've learned, you can't fix people. As bad as I've always been this way... it is one of my best qualities,.. but in times like these, can be my worst. Sometimes, it's just not my place to fix. In trying to do so, I became the problem. I've just got to learn what is okay to fix and what's not okay to fix, in this thing we call life.
Expect me to not get everything right. Expect me to not be perfect. Expect me to fail you on occasion. Expect me to cry on your shoulders when I feel pain. Expect me have your back when someone does you wrong. Expect me to listen carefully over the years, and get some valid information mixed up. Expect that when you make me laugh with a mouth full of lemon-aid, that you probably will be soaked. Expect me to be there in all ways I can, but as well expect me to fail at times when I didn't recognize I needed to pull away. Expect me to always love you.
...but I remind myself, who am I to deserve mercy if I don't have any to give? So I've had to change my thinking a little. I am thankful for the Everlasting One who has given me the strength to come up with thoughts that I could not accept as originally my own. For putting me in situations to learn, wether painful, excruciating, or in the simplest of ways... by obeying His command and going to a class when I did NOT want to go to!
I've learned, you can't fix people. As bad as I've always been this way... it is one of my best qualities,.. but in times like these, can be my worst. Sometimes, it's just not my place to fix. In trying to do so, I became the problem. I've just got to learn what is okay to fix and what's not okay to fix, in this thing we call life.
Expect me to not get everything right. Expect me to not be perfect. Expect me to fail you on occasion. Expect me to cry on your shoulders when I feel pain. Expect me have your back when someone does you wrong. Expect me to listen carefully over the years, and get some valid information mixed up. Expect that when you make me laugh with a mouth full of lemon-aid, that you probably will be soaked. Expect me to be there in all ways I can, but as well expect me to fail at times when I didn't recognize I needed to pull away. Expect me to always love you.
He never committed a crime. The crime existed within their own heads.
Posted by
2:55 PM
Monday, October 4, 2010
John 15 - 18"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.'[b] If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me. 22If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. 23He who hates me hates my Father as well. 24If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen these miracles, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: 'They hated me without reason.
Then they took everything from Him. But He ended up with so much more.
Then they took everything from Him. But He ended up with so much more.
Posted by
7:00 AM
Friday, September 24, 2010
When we believe, do we ever fully give our undivided attention to believe? Do we believe only during those times when we got our way and then we take advantage of that belief just to put it aside again?
Are we such people to give up in an instant?
Even if people give up on ME, does that make it right to give up on those around me...?
I have been let down time and time again... but I will not give up. And most importantly, I will love my enemies as God has asked of me. Those ones,... I adore the most. Because they make me stronger. And as I stay faithful even during times when stones are thrown,... I will still be there. Always.
Because that is what God wants of me.
Are we such people to give up in an instant?
Even if people give up on ME, does that make it right to give up on those around me...?
I have been let down time and time again... but I will not give up. And most importantly, I will love my enemies as God has asked of me. Those ones,... I adore the most. Because they make me stronger. And as I stay faithful even during times when stones are thrown,... I will still be there. Always.
Because that is what God wants of me.
Dear God. I prayed and prayed and prayed. But I WILL continue to "dip" till I hit the 7th. I will not give up. I have faith.
Posted by
9:44 PM
Monday, August 30, 2010
You would think as the saying goes... "time heals all wounds", that this would be accurate.
But why does it seem that the wound would only be closed is if the knife was re-entered into the opening that never closed. And just.... left there, for the one particular stronghold to mend it slowly back together.
Maybe time does heal... maybe the deepest desires of my heart still exsist 3 years ago. Maybe there are unanswered questions as to why things happened the way they did. But conversations as to which they would be maturely resolved, rebuilt, and strengthened to strongest of structures. To the strongest of foundations. To where absolutely not even the faintest of fears or concerns could ever enter again.
Maybe it's just a girls dream. A girls fairy-tale. A girls fantasy.
This would be mine.
Maybe one day. He will come home.
But why does it seem that the wound would only be closed is if the knife was re-entered into the opening that never closed. And just.... left there, for the one particular stronghold to mend it slowly back together.
Maybe time does heal... maybe the deepest desires of my heart still exsist 3 years ago. Maybe there are unanswered questions as to why things happened the way they did. But conversations as to which they would be maturely resolved, rebuilt, and strengthened to strongest of structures. To the strongest of foundations. To where absolutely not even the faintest of fears or concerns could ever enter again.
Maybe it's just a girls dream. A girls fairy-tale. A girls fantasy.
This would be mine.
Maybe one day. He will come home.
conquered my biggest fear
Posted by
8:20 PM
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Sent via VR+
Breaking the Silence of my Life with the simple touch of a child's prayer
Posted by
10:13 PM
Monday, August 9, 2010
What an incredible summer. Incredibly BUSY summer!
I am at this very moment in the hotel finishing up day 2 of our last kids camp. 2 more days left.
Today was a spectacular day. God really moved, Service tonight couldn't have honestly gone better. Everything from the first second, to the last. God really showed himself.
Our games were so much fun. They usually are, but we usually play them and go with the flow. It's just amazing how smoothly everything went.
Yesterday, I was in a lot of pain. But didn't complain about it. During alter time, I had to go behind stage and rest. Ruth prayed over me. After prayer was over, a group of young pure girls started praying over me. They didn't know about my accident, until after Ruth mentioned it to them, after they had already began praying,... she then helped them narrow the prayer down.
Today we preached about how strong our God is and can work through the smallest of people.
It's actually funny how our scheduled topic ended up being this. That since they prayed... I have felt so good within! Today was my first day back in the gym. I attempted running and got to 1/2 a mile, and walked 2.5 miles. I was so happy. And mainly because I was not in pain afterwards.
Today was as well my first time to sing on stage by myself. With a crowd of 700 people, as I walked up on stage, I was a little nervous... but God took ahold of me, my thoughts, my body and my voice... and I worshipped. The experiences are sure to get better and better I'm sure!
And I will save the best for last. Tonight things were switched up. We called the adults - pastors, counselors down to the alter. The faces from the stage. The grown men and women on their knees with tears rolling down their face. The children came to pray over them. How the little voices you could hear mumbling throughout the place, as their hands placed on ones shoulders or head. Amazing! .... AMAZING!
Tears could have covered the entire room floor.
I can't put it in any other words but... purely amazing. Today was a fantastic day. Better than so many. I'm ready to repeat this. But I'm not ready for this being our last camp of the summer... to end.
I am at this very moment in the hotel finishing up day 2 of our last kids camp. 2 more days left.
Today was a spectacular day. God really moved, Service tonight couldn't have honestly gone better. Everything from the first second, to the last. God really showed himself.
Our games were so much fun. They usually are, but we usually play them and go with the flow. It's just amazing how smoothly everything went.
Yesterday, I was in a lot of pain. But didn't complain about it. During alter time, I had to go behind stage and rest. Ruth prayed over me. After prayer was over, a group of young pure girls started praying over me. They didn't know about my accident, until after Ruth mentioned it to them, after they had already began praying,... she then helped them narrow the prayer down.
Today we preached about how strong our God is and can work through the smallest of people.
It's actually funny how our scheduled topic ended up being this. That since they prayed... I have felt so good within! Today was my first day back in the gym. I attempted running and got to 1/2 a mile, and walked 2.5 miles. I was so happy. And mainly because I was not in pain afterwards.
Today was as well my first time to sing on stage by myself. With a crowd of 700 people, as I walked up on stage, I was a little nervous... but God took ahold of me, my thoughts, my body and my voice... and I worshipped. The experiences are sure to get better and better I'm sure!
And I will save the best for last. Tonight things were switched up. We called the adults - pastors, counselors down to the alter. The faces from the stage. The grown men and women on their knees with tears rolling down their face. The children came to pray over them. How the little voices you could hear mumbling throughout the place, as their hands placed on ones shoulders or head. Amazing! .... AMAZING!
Tears could have covered the entire room floor.
I can't put it in any other words but... purely amazing. Today was a fantastic day. Better than so many. I'm ready to repeat this. But I'm not ready for this being our last camp of the summer... to end.
Sometimes we'll never understand...
Posted by
7:54 PM
Sunday, July 25, 2010
...but I pray that one day I find out why this had to happen to me.
I am a strong individual. I been through a lot. I've held strong. I've kept my head up through most challenges. I've stayed faithful through them and was fully committed to all that I was feeling within me.
11 weeks and 2 days have passed now. Feelings and emotions of things I thought were long gone have come back. I don't know if it is to haunt me, or if there are reasons. I don't know.
I don't have answers to anything right now. I have come to a state where I have never been. All my energy has gone to stress instead of healing. I feel like I have absolutely no control over my life. I feel like I cannot communicate. I feel like my current state of being is just a puppet.
So... maybe the answer would be that I just want to roll back time. Go back. For many reasons.
For love. For family. To make things right. Go back to running and swimming I so desperately miss with everything I have. To have those dreams, desires and goals I once had. To be so incredibly close to God I could almost touch Him!
There are some close people in my life that are tired of hearing about "since the accident". But what they don't know is that BECAUSE of the "accident", it has completely changed my life. Now, I wish with ALL of my heart, I could say it has changed my life for the better. I do wish so badly! ....And maybe, just MAYBE that time is coming. Maybe I'll find answers. But the accident is a part of my life. That part will never change. It has to be accepted. By people and most importantly,... by myself.
I could easily say to many, "quit talking about this 5 months ago stuff", but I don't,... because it is what led whoever to be wherever. It is what began the fantastic or miserable journey whoever's on. But it is not for me to say! It doesn't help the situation so why discourage instead of encourage when there is a possible choice. There's no "having to run after you". It's "be available because you're a friend".
I'm not saying amazing things haven't happened. Oh goodness, I couldn't count the blessings people have poured upon me. Wow! It is truly amazing what people are capable of, and have gone over and beyond just to see a smile on my face. My house was cleaned out completely. Every corner. My lawn was mowed almost weekly while I was on rest for 2 months. My laundry was done from loved ones. I threw up on loved ones (on accident of course) without one single complaint. A huge deal, my son has been more than taken care of. Spoiled even. My back yard is a party palace. There are lights strung from the house to the second level of the yard. A surprise gift of a swing was bought for my homecoming. I can't tell you enough (for the outdoorsey person I am), how much I have already put it to use. In the morning with my cup of Vanilla Biscotti Latte', and in the evening with water, lights/tiki torches and music playing. My "Celebrate Life" party was beyond complete. I didn't have to lift a finger, and I have never ever done that before at a party, I didn't even have to clean up afterwards! By the time everyone came in, it was already cleaned and put away! Everything! And extras were loaded for me and Chief in the fridge. I mean... really... what else??? I could write a short story just from the giving hearts in my life. Just the past 11 weeks alone!
But even through the things... words to me have a bigger impact in my life, and I think that is why my wall is built up so tall and so wide, that I haven't been able to see so many things that God possibly has been wanting me to see.
I have closed myself off to things just to keep from those words out there. It really is so crazy how much control words can have over your life. And how much hard work and effort it is just to "simply" go back! It's not so easy. Words are planted, and it is so hard to get rid of them! So so very hard! Especially when they're leaders.... of all kinds! I know people are people, and man WILL without question hurt and fail you. But I have been so used to and and expect it every time that now... it has effected me internally. And I know there is only one way to cleanse it. I just don't know why it has such a stronghold!!! I don't know why the devil is trying so hard to prevent me from the amazing things I know I can accomplish! I know I can change so many peoples lives! I know I can do sooooo much, because although God hasn't called me to be talented in one particular area, but SO MANY is why it is so hard to see which direction I am to go!
And because of ALL those so many things I am capable of, that is why this is so challenging.... because I have been prevented to do 90% of it since the accident.
I am just ready. So much more than ready... to be me.
I am a strong individual. I been through a lot. I've held strong. I've kept my head up through most challenges. I've stayed faithful through them and was fully committed to all that I was feeling within me.
11 weeks and 2 days have passed now. Feelings and emotions of things I thought were long gone have come back. I don't know if it is to haunt me, or if there are reasons. I don't know.
I don't have answers to anything right now. I have come to a state where I have never been. All my energy has gone to stress instead of healing. I feel like I have absolutely no control over my life. I feel like I cannot communicate. I feel like my current state of being is just a puppet.
So... maybe the answer would be that I just want to roll back time. Go back. For many reasons.
For love. For family. To make things right. Go back to running and swimming I so desperately miss with everything I have. To have those dreams, desires and goals I once had. To be so incredibly close to God I could almost touch Him!
There are some close people in my life that are tired of hearing about "since the accident". But what they don't know is that BECAUSE of the "accident", it has completely changed my life. Now, I wish with ALL of my heart, I could say it has changed my life for the better. I do wish so badly! ....And maybe, just MAYBE that time is coming. Maybe I'll find answers. But the accident is a part of my life. That part will never change. It has to be accepted. By people and most importantly,... by myself.
I could easily say to many, "quit talking about this 5 months ago stuff", but I don't,... because it is what led whoever to be wherever. It is what began the fantastic or miserable journey whoever's on. But it is not for me to say! It doesn't help the situation so why discourage instead of encourage when there is a possible choice. There's no "having to run after you". It's "be available because you're a friend".
I'm not saying amazing things haven't happened. Oh goodness, I couldn't count the blessings people have poured upon me. Wow! It is truly amazing what people are capable of, and have gone over and beyond just to see a smile on my face. My house was cleaned out completely. Every corner. My lawn was mowed almost weekly while I was on rest for 2 months. My laundry was done from loved ones. I threw up on loved ones (on accident of course) without one single complaint. A huge deal, my son has been more than taken care of. Spoiled even. My back yard is a party palace. There are lights strung from the house to the second level of the yard. A surprise gift of a swing was bought for my homecoming. I can't tell you enough (for the outdoorsey person I am), how much I have already put it to use. In the morning with my cup of Vanilla Biscotti Latte', and in the evening with water, lights/tiki torches and music playing. My "Celebrate Life" party was beyond complete. I didn't have to lift a finger, and I have never ever done that before at a party, I didn't even have to clean up afterwards! By the time everyone came in, it was already cleaned and put away! Everything! And extras were loaded for me and Chief in the fridge. I mean... really... what else??? I could write a short story just from the giving hearts in my life. Just the past 11 weeks alone!
But even through the things... words to me have a bigger impact in my life, and I think that is why my wall is built up so tall and so wide, that I haven't been able to see so many things that God possibly has been wanting me to see.
I have closed myself off to things just to keep from those words out there. It really is so crazy how much control words can have over your life. And how much hard work and effort it is just to "simply" go back! It's not so easy. Words are planted, and it is so hard to get rid of them! So so very hard! Especially when they're leaders.... of all kinds! I know people are people, and man WILL without question hurt and fail you. But I have been so used to and and expect it every time that now... it has effected me internally. And I know there is only one way to cleanse it. I just don't know why it has such a stronghold!!! I don't know why the devil is trying so hard to prevent me from the amazing things I know I can accomplish! I know I can change so many peoples lives! I know I can do sooooo much, because although God hasn't called me to be talented in one particular area, but SO MANY is why it is so hard to see which direction I am to go!
And because of ALL those so many things I am capable of, that is why this is so challenging.... because I have been prevented to do 90% of it since the accident.
I am just ready. So much more than ready... to be me.
Promises are made to keep...
Posted by
8:14 PM
Thursday, July 15, 2010
...sometimes they're broken. Sometimes their kept to the grave. This one promise I made to someone I feel guilty that I am going to have to break.
So to you this may seem silly, but it always has been a big deal to me. I made a promise to someone that I wouldn't eat bottom feeders for the rest of my life.
Although I am not going to be literally eating them, I am going to be taking a supplement beginning tomorrow that contains crab and shrimp.
I am desperate for the bones to heal in my neck. As some of you know... the Dr requested for me to go back in my collar. I broke down in tears. I hate it and I never want to leave my home. I am so miserable... so tomorrow... I am going to start slamming Glucosamine Chondroitin capsules. I cannot express enough how desperate I am. How I have become depressed over all of this.
How all of the pain from my divorce has resurfaced. And how all the pain I have gone through in my entire life, I have just recently become lost. With the collar, I can't sing. Most importantly, I cannot workout like before. I am so proud of myself for doing the Cowtown Marathon this year, and my first Triathlon, but I don't want it to be the last. I want it to change soon, but I know it can't. I have so many plans! I have planned a sky-diving trip for a team of my friends to jump in Keller/Southlake are on 10-10-10. Although it is still going, I am so so so upset that there is a very large possibility that I will not be able to do it.
And although you're thinking... there is so much for you to be thankful for. I do know this. I know I have an amazing son that makes me feel like the best mom in the world! I have great friends that would be there in a second for me, as I would them. I have an awesome huge dog, might I add she likes to tear everything up right now, but she is still wonderful. She has become very protective and almost attacked the Charter Cable guy 2 days ago. lol
I have felt so alone these past few days. So terribly alone. I am angry in a sense cause I feel like I wouldn't be here right now in this situation if my ex husband hadn't of left. Things were great. Had some things to work on... like everyone, but there is no one that could give him what I could give. I firmly stand strong on that fact. There is just so much more to it.
I'm scared to date. I don't want to start all over. I tried it once. About a year ago, and I felt like I was forcing myself to like someone. Like, I was the teacher. I was the leader. And I didn't quite like that. I've read many books about dating, codependance, how to find yourself, when a marriage fails, encouraging books, self help books, and books of bible charts n stuff, but I don't know why.... that ever since the accident.... Everything has come crashing down. I'm being tested every day. Every single day! Like... you have absolutely no clue.
From the smallest things of organizing messed up files that didn't have to messed up from the beginning, to today my car breaks are starting to rub, I merge onto the highway, tire pops, no one stops, I have the "donut" on as someone does pull over, lower the car, and the donut is flat. I mean... geez! I was looking for a new car before the accident, but that got put on hold. So I'm determined to have one before school starts back up for Chief. But on the flip side, I am so very thankful for incredible friends who are more than amazing, and took on the tire bill when they didn't have to. I love them so much, and to me they're honestly not just "friends", they truly are family. Blood family it feels. Not the fake stuff like I've once witnessed (...but do pray it changes in whoever I am talking about, lives) The real Godly, amazing, fully, completely, 100% family like love.
I know I haven't been writing much lately. There are reasons.
So, please pray hard for my recovery. I have to get another cat scan in 3 weeks. According to my Dr, I should have my collar off permanently, and therapy will FINALLY begin!
Another for my sanity. I am nearly 4 months shy away from turning 30 in 2 years, and I feel like I was on a roll... like, hard core roll in my life. Involved in EVERYTHING you could possibly imagine that helps with the community, but as well with myself, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I want that back. I so badly desperately want that back.
He hears our innermost deepest desires of our hearts
Posted by
9:38 PM
Friday, July 2, 2010
The Dr's appointment began.... not so very well. It has been my third meeting with my Dr... whom I have never met but in ICU. The reason being, she is Mrs Popularity in surgeon country. First started out with xrays in Radiology. This time, they took off my brace. I was kind of scared to take it off... but Dr's orders. Went to deliver the proofs and Dr was in Brain surgery. I broke down in tears because I have been more then ready to move on with my life. I haven't been home yet. I can't drive. I have gained some weight from bed rest. I have been depressed (although people don't really know, unless by those who I've been staying with) it's just progressed over time. I cannot work out. I'm not supposed to lift over 5 pounds. I mean... my life has been completely stripped away. Today has been 8 weeks since the accident.
We talked to the nurse, who works in the office of my Dr at Harris Downtown, and she saw how important it was and didn't realize how much of a burden this all has been. With not being able to see my Dr once or get anything done.
I left the hospital crying. Thinking, here goes another 4 weeks before my next appointment. So upset. I asked some friends on facebook to be praying. Mainly for my sanity. And not even 10 minutes later, as we pull up to our next stop, we get a text message from the nurse. Dr says I can take off the brace, and can drive, but has to ease into driving after a few days of neck movement, then next Drs appointment is Thurs.... and probably Therapy begins after that.
I felt so much lift from my shoulders. And I became overly joyed.
We talked to the nurse, who works in the office of my Dr at Harris Downtown, and she saw how important it was and didn't realize how much of a burden this all has been. With not being able to see my Dr once or get anything done.
I left the hospital crying. Thinking, here goes another 4 weeks before my next appointment. So upset. I asked some friends on facebook to be praying. Mainly for my sanity. And not even 10 minutes later, as we pull up to our next stop, we get a text message from the nurse. Dr says I can take off the brace, and can drive, but has to ease into driving after a few days of neck movement, then next Drs appointment is Thurs.... and probably Therapy begins after that.
I felt so much lift from my shoulders. And I became overly joyed.
Sooooooooooooooo much..... 7 Weeks Post Accident
Posted by
7:02 PM
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Alright.... so what I am about to post is something that I've wondered wether I should even post or not. As you guys know, I love to write. I write a lot. I'd rather write in this blog, but as you guys have known... the truth written and really turn on you by the wicked. Sooo, here goes.
As you know, I was in a car accident. Broke my neck. And have been living under care of a church family for 7 weeks this Friday.
This family, I always looked up to. Always strived to be like them. Admired their marriage. How strong they were, and how perfectly they fit together.
7 weeks have passed, and things have not been the way they appear. Its funny because I have seen this before. People so powerful, so strong... so "committed" to actually be so much more fallen apart when you get to really truly know them.
I was on strict bed rest for 4 weeks, so I only started to REALLY get to know them around that time.
Now I know not all marriages are perfect. But something I can say positively... I am amazed that they have stuck it through for 13 years.
The last 3 weeks have been so stressful, and because it is so intense, I cannot commute this with them. All my energy has been going to the stress they ( well it's only one of them ) have been giving off, and not to my healing. Which really sucks, and I believe why I have been hurting a bit more now then usual.
She has become beyond jealous of me (which I can't stand)... She wakes up late, get's mad at me for making their kids breakfast, and even more upset when their kids ask me to do things with them... such as paint the girls nails or take both the boy and girl swimming.
Since I have been here for 7 weeks, I have only seen her put them to bed. Not much else at all. Although she does clean. I do the dishes in the evening and put them up in the morning (which is my usual routine at home). She does wash loads of clothes. Like, a day. I definately give her credit. And I have asked her of she needs help. She says no... so I just jump in anyways and fold the clothes when I see them just sitting there.
There is sooooo much more to it.
There was a discussion and she said she bends over backwards for everyone. By the level of intensity and afraid of such reaction, no one said a word.
Her husband took up for me (although it wasn't at that moment, everyone knew that things needed to be a rest for a little while). He's a very level headed guy who isn't praised for many things I've seen, who isn't trusted,.. and man that sucks.
Anyways, I am venting a bit right now. Because this is the only place I can "get away" and express my inner most feelings.
I just can't believe that someone would say they bend over backwards (when indeed they have no a clue of their surroundings and what others and bent over backwards for), and not even think for a second that the person they said this to... was the person that they "welcomed" in this house to take care of, when daily I feel like a babysitter.... UNTIL...
...I started getting love from their kids that she was not recieving because her lack of energy with them. So... I do give her props.... and although there IS tention, and she has become overly jealous... She HAS stepped up.
She fed them breakfast this morning.
I remember when I "moved in" that she mentioned they didn't even eat breakfast. I have seen them grab one of those kid bags of cheetos and eat one for breakfast. Mostly something of that nature. There has been complaints that they never have gone through so much milk until I came in the picture. I mean, I do understand there are 2 extra mouths in the household. But, hmm.
Same as when I used to tuck them in.... the girls loves that I give her a million kisses on her face. The boy loves that I wrap him up and call him my bean burrito. I guess they were enjoying it so much that the Mother no longer allows me in their room to tuck them in.
Anyways... I am a wee bit homesick. I am looking forward to this Friday. Yet another xray. And I get to find out if this neck brace is coming off. And then... my therapy begins... BUT... I'll be home.
After the ex, I have rethought marriage, and have really been focusing on myself, and have been praying about adoption. I have a strong tug at my heart to foster.
...but especially after these past 7 weeks... I'm not too sure if marriage is for me. I know my decision should not be based upon being scared out of my witts!!! But... that's exactly why I do feel that way now. Just being honest.
If you have taken the time to read all of this, thanks. =) I'm going to close for now and read my new books... One of which...
"Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lines"
Okay I'm back. I want to add a couple of more things. Just to vent.
So their mom isn't here. I tucked them in. Had some laughs with the boy, then tucked the girl in.... She first began by saying " Now my mommy says that you can't give me as many kisses because you need to same some for her." So I just let her talk her little heart out... She then says "Mommy says were going to Hurricane Harbor this Friday and she wants it to be just the 4 of us, and Baylie, Aunt Lauren, & Uncle Nate".
Just upsetting is all. For such a christian woman who sings on the platform at church to be so cruel and jealous because unfortunately to her, I have all the attention from.... well, everyone in the household, is unreal. She'll be in my prayers.
As you know, I was in a car accident. Broke my neck. And have been living under care of a church family for 7 weeks this Friday.
This family, I always looked up to. Always strived to be like them. Admired their marriage. How strong they were, and how perfectly they fit together.
7 weeks have passed, and things have not been the way they appear. Its funny because I have seen this before. People so powerful, so strong... so "committed" to actually be so much more fallen apart when you get to really truly know them.
I was on strict bed rest for 4 weeks, so I only started to REALLY get to know them around that time.
Now I know not all marriages are perfect. But something I can say positively... I am amazed that they have stuck it through for 13 years.
The last 3 weeks have been so stressful, and because it is so intense, I cannot commute this with them. All my energy has been going to the stress they ( well it's only one of them ) have been giving off, and not to my healing. Which really sucks, and I believe why I have been hurting a bit more now then usual.
She has become beyond jealous of me (which I can't stand)... She wakes up late, get's mad at me for making their kids breakfast, and even more upset when their kids ask me to do things with them... such as paint the girls nails or take both the boy and girl swimming.
Since I have been here for 7 weeks, I have only seen her put them to bed. Not much else at all. Although she does clean. I do the dishes in the evening and put them up in the morning (which is my usual routine at home). She does wash loads of clothes. Like, a day. I definately give her credit. And I have asked her of she needs help. She says no... so I just jump in anyways and fold the clothes when I see them just sitting there.
There is sooooo much more to it.
There was a discussion and she said she bends over backwards for everyone. By the level of intensity and afraid of such reaction, no one said a word.
Her husband took up for me (although it wasn't at that moment, everyone knew that things needed to be a rest for a little while). He's a very level headed guy who isn't praised for many things I've seen, who isn't trusted,.. and man that sucks.
Anyways, I am venting a bit right now. Because this is the only place I can "get away" and express my inner most feelings.
I just can't believe that someone would say they bend over backwards (when indeed they have no a clue of their surroundings and what others and bent over backwards for), and not even think for a second that the person they said this to... was the person that they "welcomed" in this house to take care of, when daily I feel like a babysitter.... UNTIL...
...I started getting love from their kids that she was not recieving because her lack of energy with them. So... I do give her props.... and although there IS tention, and she has become overly jealous... She HAS stepped up.
She fed them breakfast this morning.
I remember when I "moved in" that she mentioned they didn't even eat breakfast. I have seen them grab one of those kid bags of cheetos and eat one for breakfast. Mostly something of that nature. There has been complaints that they never have gone through so much milk until I came in the picture. I mean, I do understand there are 2 extra mouths in the household. But, hmm.
Same as when I used to tuck them in.... the girls loves that I give her a million kisses on her face. The boy loves that I wrap him up and call him my bean burrito. I guess they were enjoying it so much that the Mother no longer allows me in their room to tuck them in.
Anyways... I am a wee bit homesick. I am looking forward to this Friday. Yet another xray. And I get to find out if this neck brace is coming off. And then... my therapy begins... BUT... I'll be home.
After the ex, I have rethought marriage, and have really been focusing on myself, and have been praying about adoption. I have a strong tug at my heart to foster.
...but especially after these past 7 weeks... I'm not too sure if marriage is for me. I know my decision should not be based upon being scared out of my witts!!! But... that's exactly why I do feel that way now. Just being honest.
If you have taken the time to read all of this, thanks. =) I'm going to close for now and read my new books... One of which...
"Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lines"
Okay I'm back. I want to add a couple of more things. Just to vent.
So their mom isn't here. I tucked them in. Had some laughs with the boy, then tucked the girl in.... She first began by saying " Now my mommy says that you can't give me as many kisses because you need to same some for her." So I just let her talk her little heart out... She then says "Mommy says were going to Hurricane Harbor this Friday and she wants it to be just the 4 of us, and Baylie, Aunt Lauren, & Uncle Nate".
Just upsetting is all. For such a christian woman who sings on the platform at church to be so cruel and jealous because unfortunately to her, I have all the attention from.... well, everyone in the household, is unreal. She'll be in my prayers.
I need your advice. For once.
Posted by
4:44 PM
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I laughed because I was holding back the tears....
...When someone told me today "I wish I could go back and kick every guys a** who has hurt you".
The only reason why this comment has been made, and made by a friend who knows me well, is because I haven't been able to open up for a year and 4 months now. It is just so hard to trust. As soon as I think I'm a step ahead,... I take that next step... and pull back.
I'm not sure how to get past it. But I do know I genuinely care enough to figure this out.
I read a lot. So if anyone has any encouraging words, any book references, please shoot them my way.
I'm ready.
...When someone told me today "I wish I could go back and kick every guys a** who has hurt you".
The only reason why this comment has been made, and made by a friend who knows me well, is because I haven't been able to open up for a year and 4 months now. It is just so hard to trust. As soon as I think I'm a step ahead,... I take that next step... and pull back.
I'm not sure how to get past it. But I do know I genuinely care enough to figure this out.
I read a lot. So if anyone has any encouraging words, any book references, please shoot them my way.
I'm ready.
Quote... I'm assuming anyways...
Posted by
4:56 PM
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
This kind of hit home when I read this.
"Have you ever noticed that the people you thought would be there aren't, and the people you'd never thought would be there are? Shows who's true and who isn't."
"Have you ever noticed that the people you thought would be there aren't, and the people you'd never thought would be there are? Shows who's true and who isn't."
New Roommate. A Sister I won't forget.
Posted by
8:53 AM
April Edgell. A beautiful girl inside and out. We go to church together. She was more than excited to find a roommate, so I offered her my home. We have planned for a month and a half now for her to move in,... it took some time, but she finally did after she got out of the hospital. She has a lung problem and has been placed on a waiting list to receive a lung transplant.
The day she got out of the hospital (beginning of last week), We had Pastor Lance and a couple of volunteers move all her stuff it. We positioned everything to where she wanted it. It immediately felt like home to her. A home in which she hasn't had.
Because I am still recovering from the car accident, I still have not stayed home and neighbors have been taking care of my house, and my precious friend Kristal Dillon and beautiful Logan Dillon have been feeding our fish.
The storm rolled in that night she moved in. The electricity went out. And because I had to go back to where I have been staying, she decided to stay the night at Maria's (Church friend), which so happens to be a block away from where I am staying. The next day we saw the firetruck and ambulance drive by with their sirens going.
April had fallen in the shower and possibly fractured her rib cage. Luckily results came back at the hospital only showing minor bruising. But because of the condition she is in, I'm sure that's why it felt so much worse.
Last night, my roommate, my friend, the new addition to our little family, April passed away last night.
April... you will be missed. I am so happy that you are no longer in any more pain.
I love you.
So much to do. So little time.
Posted by
7:42 PM
Monday, May 31, 2010
It is amazing how many doors God can open.
You know. I have never been so content in this life of living just for me and Dillon. Things changed a little bit (I mean, alotta bit) about... hmmm... roughly a year and a half ago. Now, I absolutely love and adore being just a single mom with everything that's inside of me. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing. But, I may just enjoy it more then the married life.
I still have my own business, which I do on the side. I work a few hours a week with that. The past 3 weeks have been a little different, but I'll get back on that soon after the brace comes off. =)
I work with some amazing people. I love being the director of marketing and design, plus we also do Metro Ministries. So we stay quite busy.
I have been volunteering at Texas Elementary School of the Arts, Tues-Fri, for the past 3 months, and Dillon has been accepted into the school for next year! So excited.
Were about to have our huge Camp for Metro in a couple of weeks. So excited. This will be my first year as a camp counselor. The only downer... I will not be allowed to go down water slides and such because of my condition. As long as someone throws a water balloon at me, I'll be alright. Haha.
Alright.... So prior to what I am writing right now. Yes, right at this very second, I had written last night. Meds kicked in and seriously was about to crash in seconds,... so I stopped and now I don't remember the rest of what I was going to write. lol So I am just going to submit this blog post right now.
=) Thanks for reading... my life. lol
You know. I have never been so content in this life of living just for me and Dillon. Things changed a little bit (I mean, alotta bit) about... hmmm... roughly a year and a half ago. Now, I absolutely love and adore being just a single mom with everything that's inside of me. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing. But, I may just enjoy it more then the married life.
I still have my own business, which I do on the side. I work a few hours a week with that. The past 3 weeks have been a little different, but I'll get back on that soon after the brace comes off. =)
I work with some amazing people. I love being the director of marketing and design, plus we also do Metro Ministries. So we stay quite busy.
I have been volunteering at Texas Elementary School of the Arts, Tues-Fri, for the past 3 months, and Dillon has been accepted into the school for next year! So excited.
Were about to have our huge Camp for Metro in a couple of weeks. So excited. This will be my first year as a camp counselor. The only downer... I will not be allowed to go down water slides and such because of my condition. As long as someone throws a water balloon at me, I'll be alright. Haha.
Alright.... So prior to what I am writing right now. Yes, right at this very second, I had written last night. Meds kicked in and seriously was about to crash in seconds,... so I stopped and now I don't remember the rest of what I was going to write. lol So I am just going to submit this blog post right now.
=) Thanks for reading... my life. lol
Max Anders - 30 Days
Posted by
8:18 PM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The size of our solar system is beyond comprehension. To get some perspective, imagine you are in the middle of the Bonneville Salt Flats with nothing but tabletop flat ground around you for miles and miles. There you put down a beachball two feet in diameter, which you use to represent the sun. To get a feel for the immensity of the solar system, walk about a city block and put down a mustard seed for the first planet, Mercury. Go another block for Venus and put own and ordinary BB. Mark off yet another block and put down a green pea to represent Earth. A final block from there, put down a mustard seed to represent Mars. Then sprinkle some grass seed for an asteroid belt.
We have now walked about four blocks, and we have a beachball (sun), mustard seed (Mercury), BB (Venus), pea (Earth), mustard seed (Mars), and grass seed (asteroid belt). Now things begin to stretch out,
Continue for another quarter of a mile. Place an orange on the ground for Jupiter. Walk another third of a mile and put down a gold ball for Saturn.
Now lace up your tennis shoes and check their tread. Then step off another mile and, for Uranus, drop a marble. Go another mile and place a cherry there for Neptune. Finally, walk for another two miles and put down another marble for Pluto.
At last, go up in an airplane and look down. On a smooth surface almost 10 miles in diameter we have a beachball, a mustard seed, a BB, a pea, another mustard seed, some grass seed, an orage, a golf ball, a marble, a cherry and another marble.
To understand our replica of the solar system even better, use another beachball to represent Alpha Centauri, the next-nearest star to our sun. You would have to go another 6,720 miles and put is down in Japan!
Understanding the size and location of things and the relationships an distances between them gives us perspective. Just as this example gives us perspective about the solar system, a knowledge about geography can give perspective about the events of the bible. It is helpful to know the names, locations, and relative positions of important places. Otherwise we skim over important information without comprehension or visualization, and this makes the bible less interesting and less easily understood.
The one who is ignorant in geography cannot know history. The bible is largely history.So to begin out mastery of the history of the bible, we must start with the geography of the bible.
I read this book over and over. I love it. As much as I like to buy so many books. I almost like I am cheating on this one when I do. It gives so much information that when I read it again, I find more things that I don't remember reading before. Kind of like the way we read our bibles. We just discover new things each and every time. Even with the same passage. It just reads totally different during different parts of our lives.
We have now walked about four blocks, and we have a beachball (sun), mustard seed (Mercury), BB (Venus), pea (Earth), mustard seed (Mars), and grass seed (asteroid belt). Now things begin to stretch out,
Continue for another quarter of a mile. Place an orange on the ground for Jupiter. Walk another third of a mile and put down a gold ball for Saturn.
Now lace up your tennis shoes and check their tread. Then step off another mile and, for Uranus, drop a marble. Go another mile and place a cherry there for Neptune. Finally, walk for another two miles and put down another marble for Pluto.
At last, go up in an airplane and look down. On a smooth surface almost 10 miles in diameter we have a beachball, a mustard seed, a BB, a pea, another mustard seed, some grass seed, an orage, a golf ball, a marble, a cherry and another marble.
To understand our replica of the solar system even better, use another beachball to represent Alpha Centauri, the next-nearest star to our sun. You would have to go another 6,720 miles and put is down in Japan!
Understanding the size and location of things and the relationships an distances between them gives us perspective. Just as this example gives us perspective about the solar system, a knowledge about geography can give perspective about the events of the bible. It is helpful to know the names, locations, and relative positions of important places. Otherwise we skim over important information without comprehension or visualization, and this makes the bible less interesting and less easily understood.
The one who is ignorant in geography cannot know history. The bible is largely history.So to begin out mastery of the history of the bible, we must start with the geography of the bible.
I read this book over and over. I love it. As much as I like to buy so many books. I almost like I am cheating on this one when I do. It gives so much information that when I read it again, I find more things that I don't remember reading before. Kind of like the way we read our bibles. We just discover new things each and every time. Even with the same passage. It just reads totally different during different parts of our lives.
Facebook: Click "Like"
Posted by
9:20 PM
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Okay, I just saw something pretty funny. And why it made me laugh as hard as it did I don't know why. It almost made me cry I was laughing so hard. It almost made me pee my pants I was laughing so hard. Call me weird. ...'Cause really,... I am. lol And I like being that way. Because I am no you. So here it is. Become a fan. Scratch that... there aren't fan pages anymore, is there?
Click "Like"
"Look at the keyboard... U and I are together, look underneath it says JK"
Click "Like"
"Look at the keyboard... U and I are together, look underneath it says JK"
Posted by
9:38 PM
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Even WITH a broken neck... Life is soooooooooo good!!!
Oh God. My Jesus. Thank you. I love what all things you have done in this life of mine. I love how you have played out this story of this girl named Julie. How all the trials, pains and so so very many tears which has shed down her face, still. STILL... I smile. Because absolutely nothing. NOTHING compares to your love. Nothing... compares to you.
Absolutely nothing.
Oh God. My Jesus. Thank you. I love what all things you have done in this life of mine. I love how you have played out this story of this girl named Julie. How all the trials, pains and so so very many tears which has shed down her face, still. STILL... I smile. Because absolutely nothing. NOTHING compares to your love. Nothing... compares to you.
Absolutely nothing.
Posted by
2:38 PM
Monday, May 24, 2010
address above I discovered while gathering information to do a triathlon or a marathon type race for Metro Ministries. So watch out for this Ministy and it's future races!!! In the mean time... go enjoy and earn credits for tri camp, marathon training, performance testing or club while your singing up for your race now anyways! =) Register then apply.
Good luck on any near future races you have coming and I promise... I'll be back soon to race with you!
<3 always,
Julie Highland
Good luck on any near future races you have coming and I promise... I'll be back soon to race with you!
<3 always,
Julie Highland
176 hours of sleep. In 10 days.
Posted by
7:30 AM
Monday, May 17, 2010
So, I go in on June 3rd to get another x-ray done. I'm believing that my the broken bones in my neck have healed together, and properly. I have been taking extreme caution of everything I do. Kinda have to. The meds only get me about 30 minutes of awareness before I fall back asleep again. Last night I tossed and turned a bit. But I was brought an ice pack for the back of my head at 4am this morning, which was the next time scheduled to take my pain meds. I felt better instantly.
I must have hit the back of my head really hard because it has been numb since the day of the accident, and I've always been hard headed to where I can handle m hair being pulled hard for french braids or extentions, but now I can barely handle brushing my hair. I attempted to do my hair alone yesterday, and it was straining. But I know in time, that it will get easier.
Lauren has been helping me in the shower. God bless her. I have to keep the brace on at all times. So when I get out of the shower, the sponge-like pads on my neck brace holds so much water. So not only is it heavy, but it makes it almost impossible to dry off because those things keep dripping water all over. Then they change the braces pads out. So one person holds my head as the other replaces.
Yesterday I got to go to church. I really don't know what Id do without Christ Church. They have been there with me through everything. We're all so very close. Me and L sat down and Stephi saw us. She came over sat next to me and started crying. I held her hand and I kept it together. I love her so much. 1st service then came to an end and people started coming into 2nd service, which is the one I usually attend. I saw Kristal and she just started sobbing. I couldn't hold it any longer. I am so thankful for all my friends so care so much. I could have lost my life instantly. I couldn't imagine losing any of them. We hugged each other crying.
I couldn't imagine a better family. I truly could not imagine a better place to be then right here.
I feel like I have some more time before I fall back asleep, so I am going to start working on some personal Thank You cards.
PS, my hopes are high, and signed up for the Jailbreak yesterday. I know I'm going to be all good by September! No doubt.
I must have hit the back of my head really hard because it has been numb since the day of the accident, and I've always been hard headed to where I can handle m hair being pulled hard for french braids or extentions, but now I can barely handle brushing my hair. I attempted to do my hair alone yesterday, and it was straining. But I know in time, that it will get easier.
Lauren has been helping me in the shower. God bless her. I have to keep the brace on at all times. So when I get out of the shower, the sponge-like pads on my neck brace holds so much water. So not only is it heavy, but it makes it almost impossible to dry off because those things keep dripping water all over. Then they change the braces pads out. So one person holds my head as the other replaces.
Yesterday I got to go to church. I really don't know what Id do without Christ Church. They have been there with me through everything. We're all so very close. Me and L sat down and Stephi saw us. She came over sat next to me and started crying. I held her hand and I kept it together. I love her so much. 1st service then came to an end and people started coming into 2nd service, which is the one I usually attend. I saw Kristal and she just started sobbing. I couldn't hold it any longer. I am so thankful for all my friends so care so much. I could have lost my life instantly. I couldn't imagine losing any of them. We hugged each other crying.
I couldn't imagine a better family. I truly could not imagine a better place to be then right here.
I feel like I have some more time before I fall back asleep, so I am going to start working on some personal Thank You cards.
PS, my hopes are high, and signed up for the Jailbreak yesterday. I know I'm going to be all good by September! No doubt.
Posted by
5:00 PM
Monday, May 10, 2010
I didn't get a chance to go to the grave site is, but my friend, the driver went to take pictures while Im in the hospital.
Just writing this so I'll remember one day. #book
Posted by
8:26 AM
Sunday, May 9, 2010
After the accident, I had a strong feeling to call up to the station to see how he was doing. I got through, but he denied my phone call. I guess it's just not in my blood to refuse and turn away from people, so I just don't understand why he is this way, and how he feels comfortable doing that. I know he may feel bad, or guilty and may just want to put the "situation" out of his mind. But I don't "wash my hands" of people. I love. And I love until I can love no longer. Even with what happened, I will always pray for him. I wish it could be to where he could just say hello or something. In no way would I want of anything to get back together, but he is the only person of everyone that I've known in my entire life that is just not there, and under such very uncomfortable circumstances. All I can say is... I tried. (once again)
Anyways, it's mothers day. A year later after he last time reached out to me, which was "happy mothers day" soon after my son was taken into custody. BUT today, I should be released from the hospital at 4PM.
Anyways, it's mothers day. A year later after he last time reached out to me, which was "happy mothers day" soon after my son was taken into custody. BUT today, I should be released from the hospital at 4PM.
1st Girls Night Out
Posted by
9:21 PM
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Tonight is my last night here at the hospital. I am very thankful and blessed for this life, that I nearly lost.
My friend Jen and I have been planning a night out on the town for 2 weeks now. To get all decked out and go to a fancy restaurant to eat at. She has a house nearby and we left 5 minutes prior to the accident.
We has just crossed the Henderson bridge, when I even remember her saying "looky there, we have made all green lights", then she simply pointed ahead. When we were at the intersection of Henderson and Weatherford (right where the Taco Bell is, she yelled "They're not stopping!!!" and laid on the horn as they were going way over the speed limit, and t-boned the passenger side. Which was where I was at. Our car flipped 3 times as it landed upside down. I couldn't move, but I remember everything after that point. Or at least I think I do. I remember Jen was able to get out, and she was yelling and screaming my name. I was laying on the ceiling of the car, I couldn't move. The firefighters had to pry the door open to get to me. When they did, more glass shattered and fell on top of me. They gently put a neck brace on me and turned me over on stretcher.
At the hospital, my cat scan, MRI and Xray are complete by 4:00 AM. Jen gets released from the hospital. She had a concussion and bruising of the brain, but did not suffer and internal bleeding. Thank God.
As my boss sat by my side, and cleaned up my puke a few times, the doctor comes in to give us the results, I'm patiently waiting for the news... thinking okay, I'm going to get out of here soon. Just as Jen did.
The doctor comes my room after viewing my pictures and says to me "Well, the good news is that your spine is fine and you have no internal bleeding of the brain. The bad news is,... your neck is broken." I just started bawling.
I could have very well lost my life. I could have easily completely snapped my neck, but it looks like I broke it just in the right place for it to be able to heal without surgery, or a halo. I am so thankful. But I do have to wear my neck brace for 8 weeks.
Well, the meds are kicking in again and I am about to fall asleep. Tomorrow is mothers day, and I should be released. Me and Jen are getting back together again, and going to enjoy Simply fondue with the boys, Nate and Dillon.
Here is some pictures of the accident.
My friend Jen and I have been planning a night out on the town for 2 weeks now. To get all decked out and go to a fancy restaurant to eat at. She has a house nearby and we left 5 minutes prior to the accident.
We has just crossed the Henderson bridge, when I even remember her saying "looky there, we have made all green lights", then she simply pointed ahead. When we were at the intersection of Henderson and Weatherford (right where the Taco Bell is, she yelled "They're not stopping!!!" and laid on the horn as they were going way over the speed limit, and t-boned the passenger side. Which was where I was at. Our car flipped 3 times as it landed upside down. I couldn't move, but I remember everything after that point. Or at least I think I do. I remember Jen was able to get out, and she was yelling and screaming my name. I was laying on the ceiling of the car, I couldn't move. The firefighters had to pry the door open to get to me. When they did, more glass shattered and fell on top of me. They gently put a neck brace on me and turned me over on stretcher.
At the hospital, my cat scan, MRI and Xray are complete by 4:00 AM. Jen gets released from the hospital. She had a concussion and bruising of the brain, but did not suffer and internal bleeding. Thank God.
As my boss sat by my side, and cleaned up my puke a few times, the doctor comes in to give us the results, I'm patiently waiting for the news... thinking okay, I'm going to get out of here soon. Just as Jen did.
The doctor comes my room after viewing my pictures and says to me "Well, the good news is that your spine is fine and you have no internal bleeding of the brain. The bad news is,... your neck is broken." I just started bawling.
I could have very well lost my life. I could have easily completely snapped my neck, but it looks like I broke it just in the right place for it to be able to heal without surgery, or a halo. I am so thankful. But I do have to wear my neck brace for 8 weeks.
Well, the meds are kicking in again and I am about to fall asleep. Tomorrow is mothers day, and I should be released. Me and Jen are getting back together again, and going to enjoy Simply fondue with the boys, Nate and Dillon.
Here is some pictures of the accident.
Remember this?
Posted by
3:22 PM
Dillon's hand print on the arm?
(To peeps who don't know what I am talking about... this is not a picture of anyone I know. I just saw it on google images)
My first Test Drive
Posted by
2:04 PM
As much as I adore this one... I have to be smart about my decision. So I am going to sleep on it. I do know that I am going in the right direction though. My first 4 door, perfect for Dillon and both our sports gear,... plus Sadie will fit perfectly in the back! Think it out for a wee-bit longer. And I'd say most likely... within the next 2-3 months, I'll have a new car. And as much of it paid off as I can get!
I believe
Posted by
6:18 AM
woke up and this song was just STUCK in this ol' brain of mine. what a wonderful way to wake up =)
May Fest 2010
Posted by
9:44 PM
Monday, May 3, 2010
We went with our amazing family. Church family... but I consider them true family, to the May Fest. I have never been and it was kind of neat how centered it was for kids. First time I had Kettle Corn. It totally rocked! And with as hot as it was, I'm sure we burnt the calories off in half an hour. lol
From Left to Right: Baylea (Nate & Lauren Calzada's Daughter), Gabby then Graci (Buddy and Ruth's Calzada's daughter and son), Dillon (my lil'chief), Reese (Tracy A's son)
Here is Dillon building a plane out of wood. We both have been building a garden in the back yard, so he has gotten pretty good at hitting the nail right on target! Maybe too good. He went through his project... and nailed his plane into the working board. lol
And his thumb print her turned into a piece of artwork. =)
From Left to Right: Baylea (Nate & Lauren Calzada's Daughter), Gabby then Graci (Buddy and Ruth's Calzada's daughter and son), Dillon (my lil'chief), Reese (Tracy A's son)
Here is Dillon building a plane out of wood. We both have been building a garden in the back yard, so he has gotten pretty good at hitting the nail right on target! Maybe too good. He went through his project... and nailed his plane into the working board. lol
And his thumb print her turned into a piece of artwork. =)
Posted by
9:02 PM
11 years you have been with me. You have been through hail with me and so much more. I have memories that range from high school days, late nights in downtown with my best friend, boyfriends and ex husband, through the best of times and through the toughest of storms. You are fading away before my eyes. I've always given you the best of the best. You were always a QT. I have given you 39 oil changes over the past eleven years, and it has been a pleasure of being your only owner. Within you I have danced, and only crazy danced for you. I have sang at the top of my lungs just for you. I have protected you from smoke. But I do want to apologize for those few bumps and scratches. That was my fault for not paying as much of attention.
You may be transformed one day into something. Maybe a hot rod. I have high hopes for you. But for now, for a girl that can't turn you into something someone else is trained to do... I'm going to have to put you to rest.
Dear Mustang,.. you've been great. Now it's time for my search of an new car. Very excited!!! You'll always be in my heart. lol
You may be transformed one day into something. Maybe a hot rod. I have high hopes for you. But for now, for a girl that can't turn you into something someone else is trained to do... I'm going to have to put you to rest.
Dear Mustang,.. you've been great. Now it's time for my search of an new car. Very excited!!! You'll always be in my heart. lol
Can't wait till the next one!!! I might just head to Cali to do it.
Posted by
2:15 PM
Saturday, May 1, 2010
16 weeks and 6 days old!
Posted by
2:36 PM
Friday, April 30, 2010
Sadie has already grown so much since we have adopted her! Wow! Tomorrow she is 17 weeks old. This is her today.
Just got back from the feed store to look into the healthiest of foods for our baby girl and read so many bags ingredients. Canidae of our food of choice. It had 40% protein, grain free, corn free, and is a Salmon formula. I just purchased a small bag so that if she didn't like it, they said I could bring it back and get a full refund or exchange (win win situation). The down side to the dog food is that it's $57.00 for a 30 lb bag. Ay ay ay! She will probably go through 2 bags a months when she is full grown. Oh well,... she's worth it. She proved to me that she likes her new food. She dug her face in the bag a couple of times. Haha.
I also purchased this thing called the "Halti". Perfect facial halter for large breed dogs. She doesn't exactly like it, but over time she will get used to it. =) Its works incredibly well. I don't like anything that hurts (I've known someone who used only negative form of punishment, even for their own kind)... so positive reinforcement, treats, dog park, etc = good.
Over all... even if the "Halti" were $100. It would be worth the investment. 100% for the Haliti. Works well!
Just got back from the feed store to look into the healthiest of foods for our baby girl and read so many bags ingredients. Canidae of our food of choice. It had 40% protein, grain free, corn free, and is a Salmon formula. I just purchased a small bag so that if she didn't like it, they said I could bring it back and get a full refund or exchange (win win situation). The down side to the dog food is that it's $57.00 for a 30 lb bag. Ay ay ay! She will probably go through 2 bags a months when she is full grown. Oh well,... she's worth it. She proved to me that she likes her new food. She dug her face in the bag a couple of times. Haha.
I also purchased this thing called the "Halti". Perfect facial halter for large breed dogs. She doesn't exactly like it, but over time she will get used to it. =) Its works incredibly well. I don't like anything that hurts (I've known someone who used only negative form of punishment, even for their own kind)... so positive reinforcement, treats, dog park, etc = good.
Over all... even if the "Halti" were $100. It would be worth the investment. 100% for the Haliti. Works well!
Sky Diving
Posted by
2:07 PM
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Time is ticking!
As the admin of this event, I have upped the date for the sky dive. I originally had it planned for 01-01-11 until doing some research and speaking with several companies, it was a slight possibility that it would not happen due to weather conditions. I didn't want to take the chance, so I upped the date to 10-10-10!!!
We have the tandem scheduled for 3pm that very Sunday. All 8 people who have made plans on attending will need to get with me to put in their $50 deposit as soon as you get the chance, otherwise your ticket total may go from $170 to $200. And I'd hate for you to have to pay more, when you could very well pay less now. =)
Out of all the terrible things that have happened to some of us in the past (and recent past)... let's spread out wings and fly. It's time to put pain in the past. As hard as that is... I think this dive will help the process. I'm ready!!!
As the admin of this event, I have upped the date for the sky dive. I originally had it planned for 01-01-11 until doing some research and speaking with several companies, it was a slight possibility that it would not happen due to weather conditions. I didn't want to take the chance, so I upped the date to 10-10-10!!!
We have the tandem scheduled for 3pm that very Sunday. All 8 people who have made plans on attending will need to get with me to put in their $50 deposit as soon as you get the chance, otherwise your ticket total may go from $170 to $200. And I'd hate for you to have to pay more, when you could very well pay less now. =)
Out of all the terrible things that have happened to some of us in the past (and recent past)... let's spread out wings and fly. It's time to put pain in the past. As hard as that is... I think this dive will help the process. I'm ready!!!
Dog Park
Posted by
8:31 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010
We had so much fun yesterday! It was the most perfect weather day I think Texas could ever have!!!
When we pulled up to the dog park, I was not expecting so many dogs. But I really liked to see that! And Sadie needs to be around others.
Sadie's mama is full blood Great Dane and her daddy is full blood Bullmastiff, so it was pretty neat to run into 5 Great Danes, 1 Bullmastiff, 1 FrenchMastiff and 1 incredibly beautiful Neapolitan Mastiff. Sadie is exactly 16 weeks old now and we saw a 2 year old that was the closest to her build, so I wanted to take a picture of both of them. Sadie was everywhere so, the owner of the other held both of them for me.
We happened to leave at the same time and it was so funny to see theirs get into their suburban. Usually dogs jump. lol!!! But he just... took one step up. Oh he was HUGE! The picture doesn't even show his true size! They grow upwards for 2 years, then they fill out the 3rd... so he isn't even done yet.
For the first 2 hours, Sadie didn't leave my side. But finally she became comfortable enough to play around with the others.
We're definitely going to go back every week!
Posted by
7:05 PM
Thursday, April 22, 2010
We have a new addition to our family. It has taken us a very long time to first consider it, then we browsed around adoption agencies,.. but then when it hit our hearts that we might really be ready, we prayed about it for a long time.
We went through agencies, where they came out and checked the fence. We visited foster dogs. They visited us. Never met the right one. And it's okay to be picky. He or she will be in the family for a long time.
So, one evening I was on Craigslist. Decided to browse through dogs. Came across so many adorable ones. Descriptions were good. And I was even looking for a particular breed.
But when I saw her. Nothing of which the breed I was looking for. And it was funny that many of my friends on fb recommended me to get one of these. I text the foster parent, and then he called. Explained in detail what she is like. And how they don't want to get rid of her at all! They are a young christian couple with 3 very small children moving into an apartment in Houston, and for THIS breed, there is no way they could keep her.
She is 15 weeks old. House broken at 8 weeks. Many photos of her since her birth =) She knows many commands. Sit, lay down, shake, high five, Go to bed, Off, Down, Back, etc.
Her mom is a full blood Great Dane, and her daddy is a full blood BullMastiff. She is going to get HUGE! lol. She is so very protective over us already, which chief and I need. She took to her black soft oversized pillow-bed right away. She has 2 favorite toys which I hope she will never tear up. One is a white stuffed bear from he birth. And the other is a bright pink, kind of large sized monkey that she got from her Fosters. I haven't gotten her much of anything yet, but a wonderful church friend of mine came over today and gave her a welcome home gift that was a long tug toy and a frisbee.
This is Sadie. Our sweet girl. She will be 16 weeks old this coming Saturday.
We went through agencies, where they came out and checked the fence. We visited foster dogs. They visited us. Never met the right one. And it's okay to be picky. He or she will be in the family for a long time.
So, one evening I was on Craigslist. Decided to browse through dogs. Came across so many adorable ones. Descriptions were good. And I was even looking for a particular breed.
But when I saw her. Nothing of which the breed I was looking for. And it was funny that many of my friends on fb recommended me to get one of these. I text the foster parent, and then he called. Explained in detail what she is like. And how they don't want to get rid of her at all! They are a young christian couple with 3 very small children moving into an apartment in Houston, and for THIS breed, there is no way they could keep her.
She is 15 weeks old. House broken at 8 weeks. Many photos of her since her birth =) She knows many commands. Sit, lay down, shake, high five, Go to bed, Off, Down, Back, etc.
Her mom is a full blood Great Dane, and her daddy is a full blood BullMastiff. She is going to get HUGE! lol. She is so very protective over us already, which chief and I need. She took to her black soft oversized pillow-bed right away. She has 2 favorite toys which I hope she will never tear up. One is a white stuffed bear from he birth. And the other is a bright pink, kind of large sized monkey that she got from her Fosters. I haven't gotten her much of anything yet, but a wonderful church friend of mine came over today and gave her a welcome home gift that was a long tug toy and a frisbee.
This is Sadie. Our sweet girl. She will be 16 weeks old this coming Saturday.
PreConcertParty in Dallas
Posted by
8:15 PM
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Had a lot of fun already this weekend. Wow! I cannot believe how fast this year is going by already! It seems like just a week ago it turned 2010.
I have a few pics with some artists, but here's one with my friends at our PreParty for selected individuals only. What a blast we had!
I have a few pics with some artists, but here's one with my friends at our PreParty for selected individuals only. What a blast we had!
Posted by
6:19 PM
I count everything sheer loss, because all is far outweighed by the gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I did in fact lose everything. I count it so much garbage, for the sake of gaining Christ.
Facebook Flowdown!
Posted by
7:15 AM
Friday, April 16, 2010
If you are my facebook friend, you would have seen what all went down last night!
I didn't know it was going to turn out the way it did,... but I'm impressed!
It started off with my status update of a silly rhyme,... I had no clue what was just about to happen.
Julie Highland Zit, zit, go away. Come again some other day. Scratch that! Don't ever come back! And don't forget, crack is whack! (that last part I got from W.Houston)... I just needed to finish my rhyme with something =) hehe.
11 hours ago via Facebook for iPhone · Comment · Like
Cynthia , Yoivel and Quynci Rebekah like this.
Hector goofy! lolol
11 hours ago ·
Winston LOL!! How's it going, Julie? hehe
11 hours ago ·
Julie Highand TAH-DAH!!
11 hours ago ·
11 hours ago ·
Julie Bow chica bow wow!
11 hours ago ·
Rick Ah yes my friend, to rhyme is good
But careful not to join da hood.
Stay off drugs and stay in school
Get a job, and you'll be cool.
And all to soon, before ya know it
You find your wanna be a poet
The rhymes they come and flood your brain
Ya gotta type or go insane.
Okay my friend, I gotta leave
before the rhymes, they make ya heave
So I depart, my lines all done
I hope it was a little fun.
11 hours ago ·
Julie Highland LOL!!!!! Rick! You're a full blown nut! lol!!! Hahaha!
Good job on the poem! *clapping
11 hours ago ·
Rick Thanks
10 hours ago ·
Rick Pimple free, since '93
Allows more time for poetry
10 hours ago ·
Tracy Rick is quick
With rhymes
Give him time and you will see
He cannot compare to me.
All day long
I sing a song
Taking care of five yr olds
I sing the rhymes that I am told.
10 hours ago ·
Julie Highland lol! Rick! Whatever.
Shoot (with hand flat over mouth & tilt of the head)
I think we have a freestyle battle going down!
10 hours ago ·
Rick You dare to duel a crazy dude
And draw him in to this here fued
I think it not too wise, you see
To make a rhyming enemy
A crazy man with too much time
To call him out and make him rhyme
It way too late and I must sleep
And I really couldn't give a "bleep"
Who is best, I do not care
I only want a chance to share
So throw down girl, if you dare
But it truly will not be too fair
Since I don't care if I lose,
I just wanna take my snooze.
I say again, it's way to late
And facebook friends just will not wait
For me to justify a victory
In this little thing called poetry.
Goodnight to all, and all goodnight
I must go now, no time to fight.
The wife is turning out the light.
I hope this proved my rhyming might!
10 hours ago ·
Julie Highland That's the second time I almost peed my pants today from laughing too hard!!!
9 hours ago ·
Julie Highland The duel might be between you two
But I can't help my insides that brew
From the caffeine screaming to get out
Its bedtime now, I can't help but shout
See I've had so much energy today
And I sure hope that it will stay
tomorrow and the following weeks
to hope it always stays on repeat
I can't believe this battle dude
You got us in a funky mood
That we feel the need to rhyme with you
Lets not battle, let's be a crew!
There's not time for war Mr Beebe
So let's get together and all make a leap
For mankind and for God love
That we can flow for God up above.
So thanks for sharing the talent you treasure
So let's take this to another measure.
You're right about one thing, it's getting really late
My eyes are turning to a different state
droopin, loopin, huffin and puffin
I can't wait till morning to have my EZEKIEL ENGLISH MUFFIN!!!
Oh don't forget the oh so good Almond Milk
If you should know, the brand is by Silk
So have a good rest and we'll pick up tomorrow
So don't cheat, and google words to borrow!!!
9 hours ago ·
Jeremy You people need to recognize,
the skills you use come from the Wise.
They are not even ours to claim,
but belong to the One who need not even be named.
Yeah that's right you got it down,
the Man upstairs that wears the crown.
He is the one that created light,
so we all know He would not want the fight.
At the base of the cross his blood formed a pool,
so that we would never have to duel.
What Julie says it how it must be,
we must unite our skills of poetry.
We know that battles will happen with some,
but those do not help the Kingdom.
With all these rhymes I really must say,
I already know this will be a great day!
It has begun and will continue with work,
where I must show Christs love...even to the jerks.
Later on it will get better and start to rule,
be cause after work is Dallas and I get to see Jules!
Then later on I will go to Fort Worth,
for a night of worship to celebrate His birth.
It is open to the feel free to join,
however you will need some coin.
Five bills in advance or seven at the door,
heck that so cheap you can come if your poor.
If you already have plans no need to spite,
there is another show tomorrow night.
If you are interested to worship our Lord,
then message me and I will give you a word.
The word will have the location and time,
sorry folks but this is the end if my rhyme.
3 hours ago · 3 hours ago ·
Jeremy WOW! That had to be the Holy Spirit because my skills have never come so quickly...I write that on the fly in about two minutes. WOOHOOOOO!
What fun this thread is. I think this should win an award.
P.S. - I am not in any way affiliated with the CIA Spring Dance Concert - "Relentless", just thought I would share. You can read more about it at the link below. I was invited by a friend myself. Hopefully I see him there since I am rolling alone...well me and my rhythm producing Homie!
3 hours ago ·
Julie Highland TOTAL AWESOMENESS!!!!
2 hours ago ·
Rick WOW!!!!! Great job, everyone. Jeremy- double wow!
41 minutes ago ·
Jeremy Now we all need rapper names...LOL
48 minutes ago ·
Julie Highland I do not know how this came about
But if you stop, I may just pout.
You guys are so incredible
Your words can be unstoppable
You've got so much in that brain on yours
So creative, your dreams will definately soar!
Now, I don't think we've had enough
This status update has made me blush!
First of all, I'd like to say
I have no clue what went on yesterday.
With all that energy, I mean seriously!
Too wound up for Chief and I cuddling!
We stopped at Starbucks to read a book
And that was all that it took.
I finally figured out why I couldn't sleep
I cleaned the house till things were neat.
How did I forget the trip to starbucks yesterday?
Chief and I pulled our books out and sipped away.
With your mug they offered free coffee
Sure enough!.. I had 3 on me!!!
Shoot! Why not take advantage of that?!
Now I regret how many we had.
So if you're not a coffee drinker, I say.
Stay clear of Starbucks on their free coffee day!!!
4 minutes ago ·
I didn't know it was going to turn out the way it did,... but I'm impressed!
It started off with my status update of a silly rhyme,... I had no clue what was just about to happen.
Julie Highland Zit, zit, go away. Come again some other day. Scratch that! Don't ever come back! And don't forget, crack is whack! (that last part I got from W.Houston)... I just needed to finish my rhyme with something =) hehe.
11 hours ago via Facebook for iPhone · Comment · Like
Cynthia , Yoivel and Quynci Rebekah like this.
Hector goofy! lolol
11 hours ago ·
Winston LOL!! How's it going, Julie? hehe
11 hours ago ·
Julie Highand TAH-DAH!!
11 hours ago ·
11 hours ago ·
Julie Bow chica bow wow!
11 hours ago ·
Rick Ah yes my friend, to rhyme is good
But careful not to join da hood.
Stay off drugs and stay in school
Get a job, and you'll be cool.
And all to soon, before ya know it
You find your wanna be a poet
The rhymes they come and flood your brain
Ya gotta type or go insane.
Okay my friend, I gotta leave
before the rhymes, they make ya heave
So I depart, my lines all done
I hope it was a little fun.
11 hours ago ·
Julie Highland LOL!!!!! Rick! You're a full blown nut! lol!!! Hahaha!
Good job on the poem! *clapping
11 hours ago ·
Rick Thanks
10 hours ago ·
Rick Pimple free, since '93
Allows more time for poetry
10 hours ago ·
Tracy Rick is quick
With rhymes
Give him time and you will see
He cannot compare to me.
All day long
I sing a song
Taking care of five yr olds
I sing the rhymes that I am told.
10 hours ago ·
Julie Highland lol! Rick! Whatever.
Shoot (with hand flat over mouth & tilt of the head)
I think we have a freestyle battle going down!
10 hours ago ·
Rick You dare to duel a crazy dude
And draw him in to this here fued
I think it not too wise, you see
To make a rhyming enemy
A crazy man with too much time
To call him out and make him rhyme
It way too late and I must sleep
And I really couldn't give a "bleep"
Who is best, I do not care
I only want a chance to share
So throw down girl, if you dare
But it truly will not be too fair
Since I don't care if I lose,
I just wanna take my snooze.
I say again, it's way to late
And facebook friends just will not wait
For me to justify a victory
In this little thing called poetry.
Goodnight to all, and all goodnight
I must go now, no time to fight.
The wife is turning out the light.
I hope this proved my rhyming might!
10 hours ago ·
Julie Highland That's the second time I almost peed my pants today from laughing too hard!!!
9 hours ago ·
Julie Highland The duel might be between you two
But I can't help my insides that brew
From the caffeine screaming to get out
Its bedtime now, I can't help but shout
See I've had so much energy today
And I sure hope that it will stay
tomorrow and the following weeks
to hope it always stays on repeat
I can't believe this battle dude
You got us in a funky mood
That we feel the need to rhyme with you
Lets not battle, let's be a crew!
There's not time for war Mr Beebe
So let's get together and all make a leap
For mankind and for God love
That we can flow for God up above.
So thanks for sharing the talent you treasure
So let's take this to another measure.
You're right about one thing, it's getting really late
My eyes are turning to a different state
droopin, loopin, huffin and puffin
I can't wait till morning to have my EZEKIEL ENGLISH MUFFIN!!!
Oh don't forget the oh so good Almond Milk
If you should know, the brand is by Silk
So have a good rest and we'll pick up tomorrow
So don't cheat, and google words to borrow!!!
9 hours ago ·
Jeremy You people need to recognize,
the skills you use come from the Wise.
They are not even ours to claim,
but belong to the One who need not even be named.
Yeah that's right you got it down,
the Man upstairs that wears the crown.
He is the one that created light,
so we all know He would not want the fight.
At the base of the cross his blood formed a pool,
so that we would never have to duel.
What Julie says it how it must be,
we must unite our skills of poetry.
We know that battles will happen with some,
but those do not help the Kingdom.
With all these rhymes I really must say,
I already know this will be a great day!
It has begun and will continue with work,
where I must show Christs love...even to the jerks.
Later on it will get better and start to rule,
be cause after work is Dallas and I get to see Jules!
Then later on I will go to Fort Worth,
for a night of worship to celebrate His birth.
It is open to the feel free to join,
however you will need some coin.
Five bills in advance or seven at the door,
heck that so cheap you can come if your poor.
If you already have plans no need to spite,
there is another show tomorrow night.
If you are interested to worship our Lord,
then message me and I will give you a word.
The word will have the location and time,
sorry folks but this is the end if my rhyme.
3 hours ago · 3 hours ago ·
Jeremy WOW! That had to be the Holy Spirit because my skills have never come so quickly...I write that on the fly in about two minutes. WOOHOOOOO!
What fun this thread is. I think this should win an award.
P.S. - I am not in any way affiliated with the CIA Spring Dance Concert - "Relentless", just thought I would share. You can read more about it at the link below. I was invited by a friend myself. Hopefully I see him there since I am rolling alone...well me and my rhythm producing Homie!
3 hours ago ·
Julie Highland TOTAL AWESOMENESS!!!!
2 hours ago ·
Rick WOW!!!!! Great job, everyone. Jeremy- double wow!
41 minutes ago ·
Jeremy Now we all need rapper names...LOL
48 minutes ago ·
Julie Highland I do not know how this came about
But if you stop, I may just pout.
You guys are so incredible
Your words can be unstoppable
You've got so much in that brain on yours
So creative, your dreams will definately soar!
Now, I don't think we've had enough
This status update has made me blush!
First of all, I'd like to say
I have no clue what went on yesterday.
With all that energy, I mean seriously!
Too wound up for Chief and I cuddling!
We stopped at Starbucks to read a book
And that was all that it took.
I finally figured out why I couldn't sleep
I cleaned the house till things were neat.
How did I forget the trip to starbucks yesterday?
Chief and I pulled our books out and sipped away.
With your mug they offered free coffee
Sure enough!.. I had 3 on me!!!
Shoot! Why not take advantage of that?!
Now I regret how many we had.
So if you're not a coffee drinker, I say.
Stay clear of Starbucks on their free coffee day!!!
4 minutes ago ·
"Passion & Purity"
Posted by
5:48 PM
Thursday, April 15, 2010
This one is for my ex husband, Jimmy. For I know on occasion he visits this blog.
"Lord, what is love?"
...God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God... 1John4:16
Such a simple and sweet scripture, that can be so difficult to live by. Especially when God wasn't the center of your choices.
I do pray for you on a daily basis. Hoping that you found the love of God and you're on your way to feeling what purity in your heart can truly feel like.
I can tell you by experience... being obedient, and living just for God alone, is breathtaking. It's more than butterflies in your tummy. It's more then waking up stretching to the sound of singing birds out the window. It's more than any beautiful hymnal that brings tears to your eyes. It's more beautiful then laying your life before God on the alter while on your knees alone on front of a congregation of thousands of people. Gods love is pure. Gods passion for you is beyond the moon and stars, and the entire galaxy.
Even if you have not loved, your time is coming to experience that. And God is waiting for that perfect moment that He has planned for you. And that makes me happy.
"Lord, what is love?"
...God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God... 1John4:16
Such a simple and sweet scripture, that can be so difficult to live by. Especially when God wasn't the center of your choices.
I do pray for you on a daily basis. Hoping that you found the love of God and you're on your way to feeling what purity in your heart can truly feel like.
I can tell you by experience... being obedient, and living just for God alone, is breathtaking. It's more than butterflies in your tummy. It's more then waking up stretching to the sound of singing birds out the window. It's more than any beautiful hymnal that brings tears to your eyes. It's more beautiful then laying your life before God on the alter while on your knees alone on front of a congregation of thousands of people. Gods love is pure. Gods passion for you is beyond the moon and stars, and the entire galaxy.
Even if you have not loved, your time is coming to experience that. And God is waiting for that perfect moment that He has planned for you. And that makes me happy.
My favorite saying I use OFTEN!!!
Posted by
3:25 PM
"If things get any better than they are right now, I might explode and little happy confetti and candy will fall down everywhere."
That is totally Julie statement!
That is totally Julie statement!
LOL @ Feedjit
Posted by
7:40 AM
Monday, April 12, 2010
So, I like to occasionally look at the cities and countries of whom visits this silly ol' blog of mine.
I've never seen Feedjit do this but it asked this "Caddo Mills" person to basically... show themselves.
lol. Well... now I'M curious!
So,.. who are you? Do I know you? And if I don't... I just want to say hi, and thank you for being loyal to my blog. hehe.
I've never seen Feedjit do this but it asked this "Caddo Mills" person to basically... show themselves.
lol. Well... now I'M curious!
So,.. who are you? Do I know you? And if I don't... I just want to say hi, and thank you for being loyal to my blog. hehe.
Spoken for
Posted by
7:54 AM
Friday, April 9, 2010
So crazy the turns life can take. Would I ever thought I would be here? No.
I knew all my life that I wanted to settle down. Get married. Have a family.
It did happen. Yes. But no quite in that order.
I had an incredible marriage (or at least I thought), with a husband whom lost his love, that turned very cold, bitter, and dark within days before he left. I really don't know if it was truly a phase, or maybe that was who he was all along. I mean, we only knew eachother seriously 1 year and 3 months before he left.
So that was hard to go through. And because I trusted someone that did such damage,... I have found myself in an unwanted place.
I love people. So so very much. I adore the time I spend with my friends. There is just one problem. I don't think I have ever been so scared to talk to guys in my life. Ever!
In my heart, I know I want to get to know and understand the opposite sex,... but as soon as I attempt it, I find myself losing eye communication. I can't look them in the eye, and I'm not sure the reason. Maybe because I don't want them to have my trust. Because once their in... my heart is on the line.
I know that what I am interested in... I have not found.
Someone that calls often. Communicates well. Is funny. Hillarious even. Not afraid to be ashamed of past things. To be broken. Oh goodness, to have LOVE like I've never seen for the Lord would be A May Zing!!! Not afraid to do new things. Loves music. The list can go on and on.
But even as I desire these things in my heart... I believe I'm still not ready.
I really enjoy being a single mom. I spend so much time with the chief. My job is more then I could ever ask for. I love the Metro kids. For the first time, I get to be not just a part of Lakeview Camp, but a Camp Counselor. I couldn't be more pumped. My days are orderly. And right now, I couldn't imagine having something changing up that order. Selfish it may seem. But for the first time in my life I've ever been alone, it feels good not having to tell someone where I'm going. Be afraid that if you do something wrong, their going to make sure and tell you. Do this, do that. Then say you never did anything.
I know what I do. Daily. I love what I do. Daily. I am valued. And I don't need anyone to tell me that. I don't need anyone to tell me "Hey, you did a good job on _____." I know I did. I don't have to have a big arms to move a fridge, or to hook up a hose, or to change a 150 gallon tank, or put a 70 lb Christmas tree in the attic, or to take care of a 9 year old, to make breakfast lunch and dinner, to go to baseball practices, to go to the gym, to fill up my tank, to change my oil, to pay my bills. I got it thank you.
It's all just so consistent. My focus is on my son, his grades, his basecall, football, triathlons, his guitar lessons, his church musicals, and his kind heart.
Then church, my job, camps, athletic events, camps, etc.
Someone would have to be pretty darn amazing to enter this life of mine and Dillons.
Wow! Like... AMAZING! lol
I knew all my life that I wanted to settle down. Get married. Have a family.
It did happen. Yes. But no quite in that order.
I had an incredible marriage (or at least I thought), with a husband whom lost his love, that turned very cold, bitter, and dark within days before he left. I really don't know if it was truly a phase, or maybe that was who he was all along. I mean, we only knew eachother seriously 1 year and 3 months before he left.
So that was hard to go through. And because I trusted someone that did such damage,... I have found myself in an unwanted place.
I love people. So so very much. I adore the time I spend with my friends. There is just one problem. I don't think I have ever been so scared to talk to guys in my life. Ever!
In my heart, I know I want to get to know and understand the opposite sex,... but as soon as I attempt it, I find myself losing eye communication. I can't look them in the eye, and I'm not sure the reason. Maybe because I don't want them to have my trust. Because once their in... my heart is on the line.
I know that what I am interested in... I have not found.
Someone that calls often. Communicates well. Is funny. Hillarious even. Not afraid to be ashamed of past things. To be broken. Oh goodness, to have LOVE like I've never seen for the Lord would be A May Zing!!! Not afraid to do new things. Loves music. The list can go on and on.
But even as I desire these things in my heart... I believe I'm still not ready.
I really enjoy being a single mom. I spend so much time with the chief. My job is more then I could ever ask for. I love the Metro kids. For the first time, I get to be not just a part of Lakeview Camp, but a Camp Counselor. I couldn't be more pumped. My days are orderly. And right now, I couldn't imagine having something changing up that order. Selfish it may seem. But for the first time in my life I've ever been alone, it feels good not having to tell someone where I'm going. Be afraid that if you do something wrong, their going to make sure and tell you. Do this, do that. Then say you never did anything.
I know what I do. Daily. I love what I do. Daily. I am valued. And I don't need anyone to tell me that. I don't need anyone to tell me "Hey, you did a good job on _____." I know I did. I don't have to have a big arms to move a fridge, or to hook up a hose, or to change a 150 gallon tank, or put a 70 lb Christmas tree in the attic, or to take care of a 9 year old, to make breakfast lunch and dinner, to go to baseball practices, to go to the gym, to fill up my tank, to change my oil, to pay my bills. I got it thank you.
It's all just so consistent. My focus is on my son, his grades, his basecall, football, triathlons, his guitar lessons, his church musicals, and his kind heart.
Then church, my job, camps, athletic events, camps, etc.
Someone would have to be pretty darn amazing to enter this life of mine and Dillons.
Wow! Like... AMAZING! lol
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About Me
- Jules
- This story is about a girl that loves LOVE! Where would we be without it? I love Jesus. I love Dillon. I love dancing. I love the stars. I love singing. I love makeup & stilettos. I love fashion. I love to cook. I love photography. I love cycling, running, swimming, hiking, checking facebook friend status updates, jumping on the trampoline, going to church,I love connecting with other women who have encountered pain as I had, volunteering, watching movies, planting flowers, drawing, sewing, scrapbooking, Versa Spa, Vita-C Serum, Black finger nail polish, perfecting things. I love being totally RaNdOm! TRAVELING!!! I love sinners. I love nonbelievers. Oh the joy it brings inside this heart of mine the reaction they're going to have when they see Jesus face to face! What a party we'll have!
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- 176 hours of sleep. In 10 days.
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- Sweet. Spunky. Spoiled. Sadie.
- Can't wait till the next one!!! I might just head ...